The Joseph Files: Family Matters

The Joseph Files: Family Matters

Family Matters (5)
Genesis 42-45
Brian Kenning
29th June 2014

Hero cards
“Happy Families” cards
Not all families are “happy”
It’s been 20 years since Joseph was brought to Egypt
He tried to shut family out of his life

“Manasseh” = “God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household”

Then his brothers arrive
Forgetting his past was no longer an option
A process begins that takes
• at least a year
• 4 chapters in Genesis
• over 30% of the Joseph story
• eventually leads to restoration and reconciliation
Joseph processed his relationship with his brothers with his head and with his heart

Reading: Genesis 45: 1 – 15
• Forgiveness is not easy
• Reconciliation is an often painful process
• Forgiveness is not “forgive and forget”
• Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice.
– it entrusts it to God Romans:12 17-19
• Forgiveness involves both decision and emotion
– each time Joseph cried there was a greater depth to his crying (45:15)
• Forgiveness is a journey
– as long as you are trying to forgive, you are forgiving