The Joseph files: Down Down Down to Egypt

The Joseph files: Down Down Down to Egypt

The Joseph Files
(1) Down, Down, Down to Egypt
Genesis chapter 37
Brian Kenning
1st June 2014

• Favouritism

• Tittle-tattle

• Big mouth

A Bronze-age dysfunctional family

Reading: Genesis 37:18-28

How does a 17 year old kid from Canaan end up as a slave in Egypt?

• A father’s favouritism

• His brothers jealousy

• His own big-mouth

But there is something bigger going on here

Why the story of Joseph is in our Bible?

1. In Gods Big Story a chosen family becomes a chosen nation

2. God uses bad things to weave good

“you intended to harm me
but God intended if for good
… for the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20)

3. God uses tests and challenges to shape character

4. God is good even when life isn’t
… “the Lord was with Joseph”

5. Pay forward is better than pay back
– Forgiveness isn’t easy or quick – but it is possible

6. Whatever evil, challenges or setbacks come your way you’ll get through it

Reading: Genesis 37:36

Joseph had lost his home, family, status, possessions
– but not his dignity or his destiny

We all have our “Egypt’s”

“Egypt” is the place where life’s circumstances take us against our will

• What defines you when you are in Egypt?

• What do you hold onto when you are in Egypt?

• “Plane wreck at Los Gatos”

• What do I have that I cannot lose?

Questions for personal reflection and group discussion:

1. What words (adjectives) would you use to define or describe yourself? From Genesis 37 what words would you use to describe Joseph?

2. What stands out to you, what do you notice in the Joseph story from Genesis 37?

3. What life lessons do you see in the events thus far?

4. The chapter ends with Joseph a slave in Egypt. “Egypt is the place where life’s circumstances take us against our will”. Identify, name some “Egypt’s” you have experienced. What did it feel like to be in Egypt? What did you learn? How did you get through?