Our services are livestreamed and recorded. The livestream runs a few minutes behind real time. Recordings of previous livestreamed services can be found HERE.
The Joseph files: Down Down Down to Egypt
The Joseph Files (1) Down, Down, Down to Egypt Genesis chapter 37 Brian Kenning 1st June 2014 • Favouritism • Tittle-tattle • Big mouth A Bronze-age dysfunctional family Reading: Genesis 37:18-28 How does a 17 year old kid from Canaan end up as a slave in Egypt? • A father’s favouritism • His brothers jealousy • His own big-mouth But there is something bigger going on here Why the story of Joseph is in our Bible? 1. In Gods Big Story…
Your Kingdom Come – Good news to the Poor
May Mission Month “Good News to the Poor” Brian Kenning 11th May 2014 • “Your Kingdom Come” • The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour” Luke 4:18-19 • Your Kingdom Come Your Will be done On Earth…
Royal Visit
What – Another Royal Visit! Luke 4:18-19 Brian Kenning 4th May 2014 “The time is up The Kingdom of God is here Change your life And believe the good news” A King has arrived Take notice Respond Reading: Luke 4:18-19 Jesus is the Royal Visitor, Messiah with a Mission May Mission Month “Your Kingdom Come” … your will be done on earth As it is in heaven What does this look like? • No poverty • No injustice • No slavery…
I’m In Christ
What does it mean to be baptized, what does it mean to be ‘In Christ’? Ash helps us unpack this symbol, ceremony and verses from the book of Romans.