Sermons (Page 32)

Sermons (Page 32)

Our services are livestreamed and recorded. The livestream runs a few minutes behind real time. Recordings of previous livestreamed services can be found HERE.

Heartbeat 1

“Heartbeat” Brian Kenning 24 August 2014 Honour the past Embrace the future Staff change, people change, ministries change but core values remain. It’s our heartbeat Value: a strong stable heritage of Christian witness in Invercargill and Southland 1877 regular services. Pastor William Green Church plants 1895 brick and concrete building 1971 present auditorium 2001 Community Centre Bob and Val Tressler interview 5 degree shifts Reading: 2 Timothy 1:3 – 7 … I serve God as my forefathers did … grandmother…

The Joseph Files: The 50:20 Principle

Brian Kenning 20 July 2014 Some big themes • Life is full of challenges and tests: God uses these challenges and test to shape character • There is no place we can go, not circumstance or force which can separate us from God: You’ll never go where God is not • God is good even when life isn’t • Doing the right things doesn’t always bring good outcomes • Pay forward is better than payback: Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice –…

The Joseph Files: “Blessings”

Genesis 48 – 49 Brian Kenning 13 July 2014 • Joseph blesses his grandsons – Manasseh and Ephraim chapter 48: 10 – 22 • Jacob prophesise over his sons chapter 49 Reading: Genesis 48: 10 – 22 (NIV) The right hand was used for honouring and blessing the left hand for menial, dirty tasks. Jacob went against culture and tradition to bless Ephraim above Manasseh There is strength in the act of blessing Blessing bestowed goodwill, prosperity, happiness Jesus gave a…

The Joseph Files: Keep Calm and Carry On

Genesis 41: 33-49, 47:13-26 Brian Kenning 6 July 2014 Your Courage Your Cheerfulness Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory Freedom is in Peril Defend it With All Your Might Keep Calm And Carry On Joseph: Gods man in a crisis How do we get through times of crisis and challenge? 1. Joseph believed God was in the crisis “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here because it was to save lives God sent…

The Joseph Files: Family Matters

Family Matters (5) Genesis 42-45 Brian Kenning 29th June 2014 Hero cards “Happy Families” cards Not all families are “happy” It’s been 20 years since Joseph was brought to Egypt He tried to shut family out of his life “Manasseh” = “God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household” Then his brothers arrive Forgetting his past was no longer an option A process begins that takes • at least a year • 4 chapters in…

The Joseph files: Down Down Down to Egypt

The Joseph Files (1) Down, Down, Down to Egypt Genesis chapter 37 Brian Kenning 1st June 2014 • Favouritism • Tittle-tattle • Big mouth A Bronze-age dysfunctional family Reading: Genesis 37:18-28 How does a 17 year old kid from Canaan end up as a slave in Egypt? • A father’s favouritism • His brothers jealousy • His own big-mouth But there is something bigger going on here Why the story of Joseph is in our Bible? 1. In Gods Big Story…

Your Kingdom Come – Good news to the Poor

May Mission Month “Good News to the Poor” Brian Kenning 11th May 2014 • “Your Kingdom Come” • The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour” Luke 4:18-19 • Your Kingdom Come Your Will be done On Earth…