Royal Visit

Royal Visit

What – Another Royal Visit!
Luke 4:18-19
Brian Kenning
4th May 2014
“The time is up
The Kingdom of God is here
Change your life
And believe the good news”

A King has arrived

Take notice


Reading: Luke 4:18-19

Jesus is the Royal Visitor, Messiah with a Mission

May Mission Month

“Your Kingdom Come”
… your will be done on earth
As it is in heaven

What does this look like?
• No poverty
• No injustice
• No slavery
• No war
• No sickness, sin, death
• Forgiveness,
• Restored relationships …..

That’s half the message – because –

The same mission that Jesus had he gives to his followers

Read: Luke 9:1-6

Read: Luke 10:1-11

Read: John 20:19-23

(Just) as the Father sent me – (SO) I am sending you
– The same mission as Jesus
• Receive Holy Spirit
– The same Spirit as Jesus
• The life is in the breathe
• The power to get on with the mission of Jesus