Children & Families

Children & Families


At Central Baptist Church Invercargill we believe that every child is precious to God and no matter their age, God desires to be in relationship with them.
We believe it is important for all children to witness and be part of core practises in the life of the church as we strive to be intentionally
intergenerational; communion, prayer, baptism,  mission and services.
¨ Once a term we have an all age service
¨ Once a term children are present when communion is taken (it is up to individual families whether their child partakes).
¨ We offer infant and child dedication (see Dedication brochure)

We endeavour to see our children engaged;
– at church
– in our community
– intergenerationally
– socially (social events are held for children and families 3 times a year)

Kids@Central Baptist runs on a Sunday morning (during service time)

Little Wonders… for 0-3  year olds
¨ Parents/caregivers remain with their children until they are happy to be left.
¨ Adults can get to know one another and build friendships.
¨ Adults can see and hear the service.
¨ Private infant feeding, changing and sleeping area available.
¨ Each week we have a Host and a helper rostered on to care for the children whose parents have returned to the main auditorium.
¨ A plain biscuit and/or cracker and drink of water is provided and a Bible story read at morning tea time.
¨ For the older toddlers, a story for the month is read and a basic craft activity offered in the attached Whanau room.

Rainbow Room… for 3-6 year olds
¨ Short teaching time where God is talked to and about in an age-appropriate, interactive way.
¨ We teach 3 basic truths: – God Made Me – God Loves Me – God is With Me
¨ Children participate in songs, stories and prayer.
¨ Planned activity to support the Bible story and basic truth of the week, followed by free play.
¨ Children are given a snack and drink.
¨ Children graduate after they turn 5, either mid- or end of year.

Explorers… for children in school years 1-6
¨ Each Sunday we create space for children to connect to God.
¨ Help children explore the Big God Story and find their place in it.
¨ Relational ‘small group’ times for activities, discussions and applications with key leaders.
¨ High energy and teaching ‘big group’ times.
¨ Biscuit and drink provided.
¨ Small groups are split with consistent leaders throughout the year; Year 1 & 2s, Year 3 & 4s and Year 5 & 6s

We believe the most effective way to help children on their faith journey is a partnership between church and home. It is our role as a church to help equip parents, who are the primary spiritual influence in their child’s life.
Each year we run one workshop each for Little Wonders, Rainbow Room and Explorer’s families to provide resources for core faith practices that can be used at home such as blessings, prayer, devotions and using the Bible.
Monthly Parent Take Homes are offered to all age groups to reinforce the teaching between Sunday mornings children’s programmes and home.

When the two (church and home) work together, the impact is greater.