Keith grew up in Invercargill, lived in Auckland for some years, then went to Missionary Training College in Tasmania, where he met his lovely wife Ros. After they married, they were called from Melbourne back to Invercargill to plant and pastor Eastside Baptist. Their two children Emily and Zac were born here. After ten years, they moved to Taupo where Keith was senior pastor for 13 years. In 2016, they returned to take up the senior pastor role at Central Baptist Church Invercargill. Keith loves playing tennis, DIY and reading.

LIZZIE MOORE Associate Pastor
Lizzie grew up on a farm in Dipton with her family of 7. After finishing high school she decided to take a gap year and lead the youth group for Riversdale – Waikaia Presbyterian Community Church. One year led into two with Lizzie sensing a call to ministry so while leading the youth ministry she studied a bachelor of ministries through Laidlaw College as part of the Presbyterian Youth Ministry internship. During her internship she met her husband Ray at a youth leaders training weekend called Connect. She moved to Invercargill after graduating and took on the role of Southland and Otago Youth Consultant for Scripture Union New Zealand in 2018. Lizzie has taken up the Associate Pastor role at the beginning of 2022 while also continuing her role with Scripture Union. Lizzie enjoys time with family and friends, walking, gardening and reading a good book.

BRONWYN ELDER Children and Families Pastor
Bronwyn grew up on a farm outside of Winton and attended Central Baptist in her high school years. She studied at Otago University and later at Teachers College during which time she met her husband, Nick. They have four young children – Isaac, Benjamin, Emma-Grace and Levi. Bronwyn taught in Gore for five years before they moved closer to Invercargill. She took up the Children and Family pastor role at the beginning of 2017. Bronwyn enjoys the outdoors, spending time with family and friends and reading. She is also studying by distance at Carey College.

JEREMY THOM Youth and Young Adults Pastor
Jeremy grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. Being a pastor’s kid meant he lived in quite a few places, from the Eastern Cape to Natal. Eventually, whilst studying at Bible College in Cape Town, he met his gorgeous wife Tanya. In 2008, they moved to New Zealand to take up the youth pastor position at Whitby Baptist (now North Porirua Baptist) in Wellington, where they spent five happy years during which their two children Noah and Zoe were born. They moved to Auckland in 2013 to take up the position of Youth Director at Greenlane Christian Centre, before embarking on two years of theological study which lead him to Southland and Central Baptist. Jeremy is passionate about the great big gospel of Jesus Christ, rugby and meat in all its glorious forms.

CANDICE HUME Church administrator
Candice is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office. Her hours are 9am to 12pm Monday-Friday. Candice grew up in Invercargill and after 20 years away (first in Dunedin, then Christchurch) recently returned with her husband Duncan and daughter Natalie. Prior to working at Central Baptist Church, Candice was a lab manager and technician in Plant Pathology. She also works as a freelance editor and proofreader. Her interests include getting outdoors, reading, films, baking and spending time with family and friends.