The Bible teaches that everything we have comes from God and we should be open to using it as he directs (Deuteronomy 10:14). When we give, it is way of acknowledging God’s ownership and so it becomes an act of worship.
We are encouraged to support those in our church in positions of responsibility (1 Timothy 5:17). It takes money to provide the building, staff and programmes that the church is providing to spiritually nurture you. It takes money to extend the kingdom of God, both locally and overseas. We are encouraged to remember the poor (Proverbs 14:31), so some of your giving to the church helps goes to overseas and supporting local mission.
We encourage each believer to seek to hear from God regarding their giving. It is important to remember we all one day will be accountable to God for the use of the money God has given us (Matthew 25:14-30).
- ONLINE You can make one-off deposits or set up regular automatic payments into our church bank account: 06-0925-0167179-00. Remember to use an appropriate reference, e.g. ‘general offering’, ‘missions’, ’24/7 youth’, ‘Hub offering’, etc.
- ON SUNDAY You can place cash into the offering plate on Sunday or use the EFTPOS machine at the Help Desk. Please label your offering with your name if you want to receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year.
- IN YOUR WILL You can include Central Baptist in your will by contacting Christian Savings (0508 728 464 | office@christiansavings.co.nz).
Yes. At the end of the financial year (31 March), we send you a tax receipt of your total giving to Central Baptist. You can then apply to the IRD to receive a tax refund for 33.3% of your donation amount.
Tax receipts are usually ready by the end of April and will be emailed to you. Contact the office if you prefer a printed copy of your receipt.