This year’s church-wide devotional series is Finding Our True Identity, based on the parable of the Prodigal Son. Join us from Sunday 9 March at 10am for the first sermon and continue your reflection throughout each of the four weeks with the free devotional book, available now. Grab your copy on Sunday or contact the church office.
Kia ora – welcome.
We are a welcoming Christian community of all ages and over 20 different nationalities, and we love the rich diversity this brings us. We are committed to building a great community where every person feels they belong.
We want to help develop an authentic faith that recognises life is complex and at times challenging. We are passionate about being inter-generational because we believe this is the best way for our kids to develop their own faith.
We want to help people become effective in reaching out to others. We believe we are called to serve the city that God has placed us in.
You can join our livestream at 10am on Sunday, or view our previous sermons.
Please check back here often and get in touch with us if you need to know more about how you can keep connected. Regular updates about our Sunday Services, Ignite Youth and other mid-week ministries will also be posted on our Facebook Page.
We would love to see you soon.

Keith Harrington
Lead Pastor

Sunday, 30 April 2023: Our church community and guests stand outside the new Central Baptist foyer as part of our special opening service.